Monday, 11 February 2013

loki and illidan

So your wondering why I decided to take photography and publishing class, well its because I like to take pictures of my experiences and my life and personality. Like the time of my brothers accident which was disgusting because he scraped his knee so hard it showed the bone and there was blood everywhere, another experience was when I was 6 years old during a baseball game when I was the pitcher and when the kid struck out he went beserk and beat me with the bat (wich was metal by the way) the injury was severly great because I broke a couple of ribs, my legs, and my tailbone and all my dad did was reconnect them because he couldnt afford the medical bill, and another time when a dog bit the back of my neck when I was 12. Sorry about the misery so ill head on back to my other statements. No I dont own a camera mostly because I am not so good with technology, No I dont know any photographers other than a few people who take playboy photos (my dad wanted to show me it when I was 9), I like to make youtube videos (mostley music videos), Yes I have edited photos of myself on Photoshop, My mom and sister take photos just to annoy me, and I hope to learn to take photos of the battles I am going to be in Because I intend to join the marine corps so this can help me out with technoligal stuff I will learn. Now on to the photo of the week. and the pictures are from IGT class and deviontart.

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